by Todd | Jun 25, 2015
The Supreme Court released their ruling on King v. Burwell today. The vote was 6-3 in favor of upholding health premium subsidies in all States, including States that have a Health Plan Exchange run by the Federal Government. Now that the decision is made, we will...
by Todd | Jun 10, 2015
As employer groups with 51-100 employees renew or purchase health insurance coverage in 2016, they must abide by the rules and regulations governing the small group market, including those related to benefit coverage and essential health benefits; actuarial value, and...
by Todd | Jun 9, 2015
Recently, your health insurance company may have requested your Social Security number, as well as the Social Security numbers of your spouse and your qualifying dependents. Due to a new reporting requirement, you will need to report qualifying health coverage...
by Todd | May 13, 2015
The IRS recently released the final forms and instructions for Section 6055 and 6056 reporting. Additionally, the IRS released Publication 5196, Understanding Employer Reporting Requirements of the Health Care Law, in order to help employers prepare for reporting in...
by Todd | Mar 19, 2013
Beginning in 2014, individuals and small employers will be able to purchase health insurance through online competitive marketplaces, or Exchanges. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) directs each state that chooses to operate an Exchange to also establish a Small Business...